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order of merit - RULES AND INFORMATION
The Order of Merit is our season long competition covering the seven main meetings throughout the season (one meeting per month typically starting late March / early April and ending early September). Each meeting will be individual Stableford format with an 85% handicap allowance, with your handicap being the lower of either your running society handicap or your official golf handicap (if you have one). In order to qualify for the Order of Merit you must have attended and registered a score at a minimum of five meetings during the season. The Order of Merit table will be based on your best five scores, allowing for members to miss a few meetings and still be in with a shout. If at the end of the season there is a tie in the Order of Merit table based on the best five scores, the best six or seven scores will be considered, but only for those who have tied on their best five scores. If this isn't possible, as someone has only completed five rounds, then the person who scored the highest number of points at any one meeting will be crowned the winner. If this doesn't find a winner then the spoils will be shared.